February 2, 2018

Take Ownership of Your Success

Graduating from a university located in what some call a “fly-over state” meant not many in-state ad jobs existed.  I remember hearing someone from the industry say that you’d be lucky (at that time) to land an entry-level ad job with a starting salary of
February 15, 2017

Informational Interviewing Tip [VIDEO]

How to use a “cheat sheet” during an informational interview:
August 22, 2016

Planning your school year: a guide to which calendar will work for you

You’ve got big plans for this school year. It is going to be your best year yet, and you will need to stay organized. Have you considered which calendar will work for you and not against you this year? You have options, you know. Before
August 8, 2016

How Negativity can be Positive for You

Negativity. The word itself has a dark cloud looming over it. Negativity has a reputation that is…well…negative. It’s the glass-half-empty concept, the constant complaints, the low self-esteem. But how can negativity positively impact your life?   Negativity can move you into action.   Pessimists are
May 12, 2016

Network with who??? [VIDEO]

Have you considered networking with these people while in college?  You never know when your paths will cross.  
October 13, 2015

It Started With a Cold Call [VIDEO]

How I went from being a student in Oklahoma to starting my career in California
October 11, 2015

Networking Tip for College Students [VIDEO]

Have you (like me) ever found yourself at a networking event and wondered, “What am I doing here?”  Let me help you find the answer.