New Book Coming Soon

Ignite Your Career While Still In College Book
Author: Angela Martin

New Audio Coming Soon

Ignite Your Career While Still In College Audio
Produced by: Angela Martin
Editor: Laurence Minsky
Contributor: Angela Martin
Available on Amazon

Reasons Organizations Love Ordering Angela’s Products for Their Students, Faculty and Staff:

  1. REWARD those who have helped your group by giving them a FREE autographed book and/or CD.
  2. INCREASE ATTENDANCE by advertising that the first “x” number of people attending the event will receive a FREE autographed book and/or CD.
  3. DOOR PRIZES: Give away the books and/or CDs.
  4. BOOK SIGNING: Advertise that Angela will autograph the books and CDs after the event to increase event attendance.
  5. RAISE MONEY FOR YOUR GROUP by selling the books and/or CDs at the event for the full retail price.
  6. INCREASE EVENT VALUE by incorporating the cost of the book and/or CD for every participant into the event registration fee.


Let’s Connect!

: 1-­844-­44TALKS (1-­844-­448-2557) TOLL FREE


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